for details on a RNZAF officer not listed here yet?
For detailed biographies of key RAF personnel
(Air Commodore and higher) there is already an excellent website: www.rafweb.org
officers of ranks below Air Commodore will be shown here.
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Badcock, John Son of John and Claudia Colston Badcock, of Mataura, Southland, New Zealand. |
1920 ?
- 04.06.1943 [age 23] [Medjez-el-Bab War Cemetery, Tunisia, 7.A.11] |
Baker, Colin Roy Son of Stanley Roy and Kathlyn Ada Baker, of Palmerston North, Wellington, New Zealand. From Auckland. |
1923 ?
- 16.04.1945 (KIA) [age 22] [Oxford (Botley) Cemtery, plot H/1, grave 199] |
Baker, Reginald William "Reg" Son of John Gerald Charles Baker, and Mina Margaret Dobbie, of Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand. Engaged (05.1944) Janet Burley, serving in the FANY (First Air Nursing Yeomanry), of Sydney, NSW, Australia, younger daughter of Mr & Mrs Fred R. Burley, of Denham Mount, Buckinghamshire. |
02.03.1915 Dunedin, New Zealand - 22.02.1945 (KIA) [age 29] [Becklingen War Cemetery, 13.F.8] |
* This officer is an excellent flight commander whose fine fighting qualities have fostered a high standard of morale amongst his fellow pilots. He has completed numerous sorties over enemy occupied territory.
Education: Otago BHS, Dunedin; John McGlashan Coll
(1st XV/XI at JMC), Dunedin; Otago University (Shooting & Rowing Teams). Occupation: analytical chemist - W Gregg & Co, Dunedin.
Breed, Mervyn Ryburn |
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Caldwell, Walter Alexander Son of Walter Alexander Caldwell and Lorna Irene Caldwell, of St. Heliers, Auckland, New Zealand. |
1923 ? - 25.05.1942 (KIA) [age 19] [Malta Memorial, panel 5. column 1] |
Chambers, Leonard "Len" |
18.02.1919 Karramea, NZ - 1982 (or 1985?) |
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Frewer, Alan Vernon Son of Ernest Frewer (1882?-1927), and Alexandra Daisy Lund. (1890-1938). Married Fey ...; two sons. |
02.08.1921 - 10.01.2017 Burwood Hospital, Burwood, Christchurch, New Zealand |
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Herrick, Dennis Trevelyan [Dalrymple] One of six sons & two daughters * of Edward Jasper Herrick, and Ethne Rose Herrick. Brother of: F/O B.H. Herrick, RAF Sq.Ldr. M.J. Herrick, RAF Cdr. L.E. Herrick, RN Capt. T.D. Herrick, RN Husband of Mary Rowena Herrick (née Birch), of Island Bay, Wellington, New Zealand; one son. * one of which married Gen. Sir Nigel Poett |
1912 Hastings, New Zealand - 30.06.1941 [age 29] [Lorient (Kerentrech) Communal Cemetery, 62.A.7] |
* When training at Taieri (near Dunedin) when he and another airman extricated a pilot from an aircraft
on fire although there was a live bomb in the burning wreckage. |
Education: Wanganui Collegiate School
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Jackson, George Rowan Son of George Jackson and of Edith Myrtle Jackson (née Porter), of Auckland City, New Zealand. |
28.01.1921 Auckland, NZ - 29.03.1943 (KIA) [age 22] [Morpeth (Saints Mary and James) Churchyard, Northumberland, AE.31] |
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Miller, Hayden Hugh James |
see: | RAF officers' section | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Munro, John Leslie "Les" |
05.04.1919 Giborne, NZ - Te Kuiti, NZ |
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Nicholl, Barry S |
05.12.1906 - ? |
Journalist; joined RAFJun 1931; commanded RNZAF, Fiji, Jan-Apr 1943; 490 (NZ) Sqn, West Africa, 1943-44; Director of Flying Training, Air Headquarters, Wellington, 1947-48; Deputy Director of Reserves, Air Department. |
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Pattison, John "Jack" Son of Will and Margaret Pattison, of Chopwell, Co. Durham, England. Husband of Rhoda Nellie Pattison, of Wellington City, New Zealand. |
- 03.08.1943 (KIA) [age 34] [Hamburg Cemetery, Germany, 10A.K.8] |
Pattison, John Gordon |
27.01.1917 - 11.09.2009 |
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Runciman, Walter Jack "Wally" Son of William Jack Runciman (1873-1951), and Mary Ann May Johnson (1875-). Married Edwina Marguerite Golden; three children. |
22.10.1920 Auckland, NZ - 09.06.1956 Sydenham, Belfast, Northern Ireland |
Draughtsman with a firm of refrigerating engineers
at Auckland.
# 2nd Pilot 5
operations: 1. Stettin
19/9 2. Köln 27/9 3.
Stettin 29/9 4.
Brest 1/10 Engagement with Ju 88 at base Landed at Bourne
5. Köln
10/10 Caught in searchlights over target 1st Pilot 27 operations: 1. Dutch Coast 5/11 2. Berlin 7/11 Rear turret U/S 3. Ostende 15/12 4. Ostende 16/12 5. Brest 18/12 Lead 1st formation of Stirlings 6. Brest 2/1/1942 7. Paris 3/3 19 bombs across target 8. Essen 8/3 9. Essen 9/3 10. Köln 13/3 Intense flak from coast to target 11. Essen 25/3 12. Lübeck 28/3 Dive bombed from 9000ft Bombs on target 13. Dortmund 14/4 Aircraft unmanoeuvrable over 1 rate turn 14. Dortmund 15/4 Flak put out mid upper and rear turrets 15. Hamburg 17/4 16. Kiel Bay 22/4 17. Rostock 23/4 Damaged by 2 Ju 88s over Denmark. Aileron control, stb outer and port gauges damaged, also flaps. Crew baled out over base landed at Newmarket. 18. Hamburg 3/5 19. Stuttgart 5/5 20. Sound (Denmark-Sweden) 4 mines dropped. 7/5 Admiralty confirmed ship sank 8/5 Only crew to lay mines in area. 21. Wornemünde 8/5 About 40 S/L at target obliterated ground. Hit by light flak. Shrapnel hit port engine, air intake, super-charger 22. Köln 30/5 Huge fires burning 23. Essen 1/6 Heavily engaged by flak 2 injured. Port 2&3 tanks holed. Top turret U/S 24. Emden 19/6 25. Emden 22/6 Turned back 20 mins from target, Navigator sick. 26. Bremen 25/6 10/10 cloud. Bombed on T.R. fix. 27. Hamburg 28/7 Pin-point by flak. Intercepted by 3 FW190 and searchlight cone. Jettisoned north of target. Hit by light flak over Kiel Canal. ## 1. Patrol Montdidier 11/4 2. Bombing Noball 106 (?) on 18/4 4x500lbs Underlined in red as with all operations, sorties and patrols. 3. Op Rly Abancourt 3/5/44 Angry angel 10 4. Op Rly Sergueux Angry angel 7 4x500lbs 5. St. Andre G-H Op 1/6 Set u/s in target area. 6. Road Patrol SE 5/6 Cherbourg Bombed Argentan 4x500lbs 7. Road Patrol SE 6/6 Bombed bridge and road junction N&ENE of St Lo 4x500lbs 8. Reserve Patrol 7/6 9. Rly patrol 8/6 Lessay St Lo area Bombed Rly St Lo 4x500lbs 10. Road Patrol 10/6 Domfont Laval, La Fleche wood, cannoned Le Mons. Bombed Rly Bridge S of Falaise 4x500lbs 11. Bombed Rly Station Chatellerault 11/6 4x500lbs 12. Road Patrol 17/6 Vire to Montain. Bombed bridge at Pont Le Rault 4x500lbs 13. Railway Patrol 20/6 Argentan to Versailles Bombed Rly NE Droux 4x500lbs 14. Railway Patrol 23/6 Mountford, L'aigle, Dreux, Eurewx 4x500lbs 15. G-Bombing 26/6 S of Caen 4x500lbs 16. Bombing 29/6 Villers Brocage area Panzer concentration 4x500lbs 17. Railway Patrol 3/7 Bombed at La Loupe and W of Dreux 4x500lbs 18. Railway Patrol 4/7 Bombed Rly bridge at Saumur D.H. 4x500lbs Cannoned siding 10m E of Saumur 19. Railway Patrol 5/7 Bombed at Hyenville 4x500lbs Patrol to Villedieu 20. Railway Patrol 7/7 Cannoned train at Laigne. Coaches and engine set alight. Cannoned another at Chateaux. Bombed Rly bridge at Saumur 4x500lbs 21. Road Patrol 8/7 SW-S-SE of Caen. Bombed Caen Falaise Rd 10m S of Caen. 4x500lbs Large fire started in road. Cannoned road N of fire. 22. Railway Patrol 9/7 E of Paris Bombed marshalling yards La Ferte. Two large explosions, ammunition exploding along the yard. 4x500lbs 23. Bombed Gestapo Barracks 14/7 Bonneuil Matours 10m S of Chatellerault 4x500lbs (150 killed) 24. Road Patrol 18/7 S of battle area. Bombed cross-roads between Vire and St Lo. 2x500lbs 25. Railway Patrol 19/7 Orleans, Tours, Brugges. Bombed fire in wood and Chateaudon Aerodrome 4x500lbs 26. Railway Patrol 24/7 Arras to Do? and Vitry to Paris. Bombed fire in near La Ferte 4x500lbs 27. Patrol behind battle front 26/7. Bombed cross-road and fire. ? bombs 28. Patrol behind battle front 27/7. Bombed Brecy on GBC .4x500lbs 29. Bombed Barracks 1/8 Poitiers 2x500 M.C. 2x500 Bombs on target. Low level all way. 30. Railway Patrol Tour to Nevers. Cannoned and bombed train at Selles. Results not observed. 4x500lbs + 13 other operations |
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Shand, Michael Moray "Mick" ![]() ![]()
20.02.1915 Wellington, NZ - 22.12.2007 Masterton, NZ |
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Verity, Victor Bosanquet [Strachan] |
see: | RAF officers' section |
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White, Charles Campbell |
? - ? |
Williams, Stamford Seaton "Bill" ![]() Son of James Gordon Williams and Ethel Winifred Williams, of Orini, Waikato, New Zealand. |
04.02.1920 Wanganui, New Zealand - 22.12.1944 (KIA) [age 24] [Losser Roman Catholic Churchyard, the Netherlands, south side of church] |
Diesel engineer.
Williams, Timothy John Wilder |
21.08.1915 Napier, NZ - |
** In November, 1941, this officer was the captain of an aircraft carrying out an important operational mission. During the flight, his aircraft was attacked by some 8 enemy fighters and sustained severe damage. The front turret was put out of action, the wireless transmitter was hit and other damage was inflicted. Despite this, by his skill and initiative, Pilot Officer Williams succeeded in damaging one of the enemy aircraft and completed his allotted task. This officer has shown exceptional coolness in the face of danger. |
Education: College House, Canterbury, Christchurch,
New Zealand. Sheep farmer.
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